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Credit allocation in a sentence

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Sentence count:16Posted:2022-05-25Updated:2022-05-25
Similar words: credit applicationcost allocationbudget allocationsaccreditationcredit associationallocationdeallocationreallocation
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1. Given China's economic success, why does credit allocation need to be overhauled?
2. By the way, how's the letter of credit allocation working out?
3. Whether credit allocation could spur the upgrade of industries or not is one of the most important questions to understand China's economic growth model.
4. additional subsidies have included direct credit allocation and preferential treatment for coastal enterprises.
5. The government's intervention in credit allocation is one important tool of industry policy in the initial stages of industrialization in late-developing countries.
6. "From my perspective, permanent government control over the credit allocation process is economically inefficient and potentially, even more unstable," said Manuel Johnson.
7. Credit allocation and tighter regulation make some firms winners and others losers, and so require more public accountability.
8. A new accord between the Federal Reserve and Treasury should re-establish the Fed's independence and accountability so that it is not called upon to monetize the debt or engage in credit allocation.
9. This has supported relatively high-paying export jobs; additional subsidies have included direct credit allocation and preferential treatment for coastal enterprises.
10. This, says Mr Kroeber, implies a big retreat from China's state-led model of credit allocation.
11. It is important to realize the Pareto Optimality of credit allocation in regions.
12. This risks entangling the Fed in attempts to influence credit allocation, thereby exposing monetary policy to political pressure.
12. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
13. Different theoretical backgrounds yield two different positions regarding banking ownership and credit allocation efficiency.
14. In recent decades the Fed largely extracted itself from anything resembling credit allocation.
15. "Technical difficulties aside, this will require a significant retreat from the current state-dominated model of credit allocation. This cannot happen quickly," he concludes.
16. In this way, we have showed the existence of credit allocation effect of Chinas banking system using Chinese...
More similar words: credit applicationcost allocationbudget allocationsaccreditationcredit associationallocationdeallocationreallocationcollocationallocation functiontask allocationcentral locationmemory allocationresource allocationstorage allocationcreditor nationfile allocation tablecredit capitallocation informationlocationrelocationdislocationjob locationecholocationmeditationtranslocationradiolocationcreditablycreditableallocating
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